Brussee Pelvic Health Index

Approximately 1 in 3 women have at least 1 form of pelvic floor or core dysfunction such as urinary or fecal incontinence, chronic constipation, pelvic organ prolapse, pelvic pain, or diastasis recti. Each of these conditions is associated with increased rates of depression, anxiety, reduced physical activity, and decreased overall quality of life. Yet, research shows that many women do not bring their pelvic floor and core issues to their healthcare providers’ attention due to embarrassment. Furthermore, healthcare providers do not consistently ask their patients about pelvic health concerns due to the breadth of other health conditions they are required to monitor and address. Thus, women’s pelvic/core function issues are rarely treated.
The BPHI is designed as a rapid and convenient screening tool written in patient-friendly language to aid various health and wellness providers’ identification of women with pelvic floor/core issues. Identification is followed by referral to a pelvic health practitioner for further assessment and specialized care. As with all health conditions- the earlier the intervention, the better.
Pelvic Health Screening Tool for Women of All Ages
Brussee Pelvic Health Index- Pregnancy
Pregnancy-Specific Pelvic Health Screening Tool
Pregnancy and childbirth are the two leading causes of pelvic floor and core dysfunction. Nearly 50% of pregnant women experience significant pelvic girdle and/or back pain, approximately 43% of pregnant women experience urinary incontinence, and 45% of women have diastasis recti 6 months postpartum. Yet, research shows that many women do not bring their pelvic floor and core issues to their healthcare providers’ attention due to embarrassment and/or accepting these conditions as a “normal” part of pregnancy and childbirth. Research shows that most pelvic and core issues can be prevented (or at least be made less severe) if proactively addressed with a pelvic health therapist during pregnancy.
The purpose of the BPHI-P is to change the standard of prenatal care by proactively addressing pelvic and core dysfunction throughout pregnancy. The BPHI-P is the only published pregnancy-specific pelvic/core health screening tool. In patient-friendly language it helps to identify common pregnancy-related conditions including stress urinary incontinence, symphysis pubis dysfunction, coccydynia, SI joint dysfunction, dyspareunia, sciatica, pudendal neuralgia, pregnancy-related back pain, pelvic organ prolapse, constipation, round ligament pain, and diastasis recti. It is recommended for OB/GYNs, midwives, and other women's health professionals to provide their patients with the BPHI-P at least once during each trimester in order to detect dysfunction during early stages so that women can experience the most healthy, safe, and satisfying pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum possible.
Thriving After C-Section &
Thriving After Vaginal Birth E-Books

Do you desire to provide your patients with the information and resources they need to thrive after giving birth?
Thriving After C-Section and Thriving After Vaginal Birth are e-books that take away the guesswork associated with postpartum recovery by using the most up-to-date research to cover everything from scar care, 'down there' care, bed mobility, returning to exercise, carrying a car seat correctly, bathing, toileting, sexual intimacy, mental health, and much more.
Simply print the attached flyer and provide to patients (or hang in your office). The QR codes are directly linked to our website where both e-books can be downloaded completely free. Thank you for walking alongside us in our mission to equip all women to thrive.
The Complete Pocket Guide to Postpartum Recovery